DBS Junior Program
The Junior Bowlers League Bowlero Aurora 16700 E Mississippi
Saturday mornings at 10:00 am.
Ages 4 to 20
Add your youth to the roster! They will meet new friends, learn sportsmanship, and possibly earn scholarships.
Our Team

The Beat Your Coach Winners are Jacob Gordon and Raistlyn Meinert.
The Coaches
DBS Jrs.

Where are they now?

Isabel Ping graduated from Smoky Hill High School in 2019 and is a very confident, independent, and mature young lady. She has demonstrated that she is reliable and responsible as she prepares for the next phase of her life and is pursuing a career in Nursing. She has a sincere passion to care for and help others.
Isabel has been a member of the Denver Bowling Senate Junior Bowling Program for three years and possesses a competent leadership ability and a very strong talent for bowling. She is very competitive and strives to compete with the best. Isabel participated in the TNBA Western Regional Junior Tournament in 2018 and 2019 and performed very well. Isabel bowled a high game of 245 and won multiple individual awards as well as several team and individual championships, including the 2018 – 2019 Queens / Duchess / Princess tournament for women where she placed 3rd in the Duchess division. She also recently bowled an 878 (300, 278, 300) in a Thanksgiving 9-pin No-Tap fundraising tournament for the DBS Jrs. program.
Isabel is the 2018 – 2019 Greater Denver USBC Honor Team member for Girls High Average (190).